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iraf-v216 · Code · Issues (50) · Pull requests (81) Issue #90

Java sources missing for VOCLient; status of IRAF VO

closed closed olebole opened this issue on 2017-06-16 · 5 comments

olebole commented on 2017-06-16

As a followup to #2, I tried to find the Java source files that are required to build the voclient. However, they not seem to be available yet in the internet. I just found two repositories that also contain the .class files only:

Are the sources lost?

Also, as far as I remember, there was some development by @iraf to move away from a separate Java VOClient daemon and to use a C client directly. However, I also couldn’t find any public sources here.

So, what is the status and future of VO support in IRAF?

olebole commented on 2017-06-16

In the classes subdir there are a number of classes that are not accompanied with sources, f.e. VODownload.class. This was the one I unsuccessfully searched.

iraf commented on 2017-06-16

“A number of classes” is still not helpful. In this case, form Google I
can see

On Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 8:55 AM, Ole Streicher wrote:


olebole commented on 2017-06-18

A crucial missing source seems to the net.ivoa.www.xml.VOTable.v1_1 package, and there mainly the VOTABLE class. This is referenced in a number of classes from wsdl, but also directly from voclientd. There are class files available, but no sources for them.
Also the source on skyservice that you mentioned does not have them.

olebole commented on 2017-06-25

I had some correspondence with Ani Thakar vom the James Hopkins University (origin of the ivoa package). He told me that the web pages for the ivoa packages are outdated and the software is no longer supported in any way. They will remove those pages soon. I had no luck asking for the sources of VOTable.v1_1 there, so these sources are probably lost (if not found in a private archive somewhere).
However, he agreed to put whatever was there under a BSD license, so if we find it, there is no legal issue using them.
Since IRAF is the only software I know which still uses that package, it would be natural to put it into a repository under the @iraf - would you agree here, and would you do this, or give me the required access rights to do so? I would then put the to known versions (0.3.2 and 0.4) into the repo, and we can add the “latest” version (from where IRAF got the VOTABLE subdir) once we discovered it.
The other possibility would be to switch to the C only voclient package if it exists somewhere (@iraf ?)
What would you recommend to proceed here?

iraf commented on 2017-06-26

The java code doesn’t exist because it is created from the WSDL file
(voclient$voclient/wsdl/NVORegInt.wsdl) as needed using Apache Axis (see
the build.xml). There are additional wsdl files in there but as the README
says, not all of them may be used.

The code relies on the VOTABLE class to parse the
result, and the various ‘regInt’ services to decide which service to
query. The problem however isn’t missing java code, it’s that these
services no longer exist so the whole Registry interface is broken anyway.
That is one reason why the VO package should be removed from the core
system to an external package and updated to use the new Registry
interfaces. I don’t think the C-only version of the voclientd was every
completed to a user-ready state, it likewise has the same issues with the
Registry anyway.

On Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 5:25 AM, Ole Streicher wrote:


Fixed in #93

Last updated on 2017-06-26